2 player drawing games

Everyone likes to play games, and pen and paper games are a quick and easy way to pass the time. Our selection includes games for one, for two, and for groups. We have games easy enough for small children and challenging enough for adults. Our selection includes old favorites and some you have probably not heard of before. Carry a pen or pencil, and a tablet or a few sheets of paper in your pocket or purse, and you are ready to play these games anywhere.

Often, we need a quick way to fill time. A party bogs down, we are caught waiting at a restaurant or airport, or we simply want something quick and easy to help us pass the time. All one needs is a pen and some paper for the following easy games to challenge the thinking and create some fun. The following games are challenging enough for adults, but older children will enjoy them as well.

Fun Paper And Pencil Games To Play - 2 Player Drawing Games

Simply choose five to ten categories and write them at the top of a paper. Each player takes turns picking a letter of the alphabet. Then all of the players take turns listing something in each category starting with that letter. The players each have one minute for their turn. Each round, the points are totaled. A player only gets points for words that are uniquely theirs. After all of the categories are finished, the player with the most points wins the game. Try the following categories or choose your own:

Online Drawing Games For Young Learners

Any number of people can play this game. Give each person a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Instruct them to write down a common phrase and fold the paper up. Collect all of the papers and place them in a box or basket. Players take turns choosing a paper and either act out the phrase or draw it on a large piece of paper. (Newsprint works well). The person who guesses correctly draws or acts out the next phrase. If you wish, you can provide a category for the game, such as one of the following:

Put on your thinking cap for this one! Each player creates a secret numeric sequence of four numbers. Players take turns guessing the number with “Bulls” indicating the correct number of digits in the correct place and “Cows” indicating correct numbers in the wrong position for each guess. The goal is to discover secret sequence in the least number of turns.

Sometimes one sits alone and wishes to look busy. Or maybe one is bored or trying to pass time while waiting for a friend, phone call, or appointment. Solitary pen and paper games are difficult to find. We have original pen and paper games for one person you will find easy and fun.

Drawing Games: 15 Apps To Help Spark Your Creativity

Close your eyes and draw a picture. Choose something simple, such as a house, tree, or stick figure person. Those watching may think you are praying, meditating, or in deep concentration. All the while you are attempting to draw a familiar object from memory without looking at the paper.

Choose a category of something that is simple to draw and see how many variations you can create. Examples are leaves, decorated balls or boxes, circles with designs, hearts, flowers, or drink glasses.

Even though we live in a technological world, there are times when one can use a pen and pencil game to have fun in a group. The following two games work well at parties and as icebreakers in classrooms and offices. Although they are challenging, older children will enjoy them also.

Amazon.com: Thunderworks Games: Cartographers Map Pack 2, Affril, Board Game Expansion, Flip And Write, Strategy, Family Game, Fantasy Map Drawing Game, 30 45 Minute Play Time, Ages 10+, 1 75 Players

Two or more players will enjoy this simple yet challenging game. Each player begins by drawing a four space by four space square on a piece of paper and hiding it from the other player(s). The players take turns calling out a letter. As each letter is called out, players must write the letter somewhere on their grid. The goal is to make as many four-letter words as possible. Called out letters may be repeated. When all of the grids are full, players disclose their grids and count how many four-letter words they were able to create vertically, horizontally, and diagonally. The player with the most wins the game.

 - 2 Player Drawing Games

You will need three or more people to play this pen and paper game also known as “Gossip!” Begin with a standard 8 ½ x 11-inch sheet of paper for each player. Everyone draws a picture at the top of the paper and passes the paper to their left. Then each player captions the picture and folds it so only the sentence shows. The papers are passed again and the next player draws a picture to fit the sentence. This continues until the paper is full. The papers are unfolded to see a funny story. If you wish, you may begin by folding the papers into four or more sections – one for each player.

Pen and paper games are perfect for two players and there are many two-player games out there. Very young children begin with Tic-Tac-Toe and move to more challenging games. Students become secretive proficient players when bored in class. Some of the following games provide a challenge to even the most sophisticated players.

How To Play Pictionary: The Ultimate Game Guide

Probably the first and easiest pen and paper game learned by a child is Tic-Tac-Toe. Grids of two vertical and two horizontal lines are filled with either an X or O as players take turns. The goal is to have three marks in a row – horizontally, vertically, or diagonally – before your opponent. The player who goes first can have the advantage. Two experienced players often end the game in a draw. Tic-Tac-Toe teaches good sportsmanship and beginning reasoning to young children.

You need two different colors to play this two-player game, but we have included it here as it is so much fun. Draw six dots in a hexagon (a six-sided geometric shape). Take turns drawing lines between each dot. You can either use two different colored pens or a pen and a pencil. The object is to avoid making a triangle. The first person whose line completes a triangle loses this game.

 - 2 Player Drawing Games

Begin with a grid of dots drawn on a piece of paper. You can choose what size grid you wish to use. A six-by-six grid works well for younger children. More advanced players may wish to draw a much larger grid. Two or more players take turns with different colored pens or pencils drawing lines between dots. The goal is to complete a box while preventing the other player from doing so. When a block is completed by a player, they write their initials inside and draw another line. When all of the dots are connected, the person with the most completed blocks wins.

Fun Fast Paced Group Drawing Game…try It!

Another connect-the-dot game, Sprouts is challenging and fun. Two players take turns drawing curved lines to connect dots until one of the players is unable to do so. Begin with two or more dots drawn on a piece of paper. Take turns drawing lines to connect dots with the following directions and rules:

You may know this as a boxed strategy game, but it is easily played with pen and paper. Players begin by drawing two grids with ten vertical and ten horizontal lines on two separate sheets of paper. The horizontal side is lettered and the vertical side numbered. On one sheet, each player draws rectangles representing a fleet of ships without letting the other player see their location. On the other grid, hits are marked with an X and misses with an O. The ships must take adjacent squares vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Each player’s fleet consists of the following:

Players take turns firing a salvo of seven shots, calling out guessed locations of the other player’s ships, example F6, G9, etc. An opponent must state the number of hits and the type of ship, but not which shots were hits and which misses. Once all the squares of a ship are discovered, a player must say, “You sank my battleship (cruiser, destroyer, etc.).” Each time a player loses a ship, the salvo is reduced by one shot. The goal is to sink all of an opponent’s ships to win the game.

Fun Pen And Paper Games To Cure Boredom - 2 Player Drawing Games

Drawing Games: Draw & Color

An expert player of this simple word pen and paper game knows how to stump their opponent with repeated letter words and short words. One player draws gallows with an empty rope and blanks for each letter of a word below it, leaving space to complete the drawing of a hanged man. The other player guesses each missing letter of the word with each incorrect guess resulting in another part of the hanging man’s body – head, torso, two arms and two legs. If the player guesses the word before the hangman is completed, they win. If not, the player who chose the word wins.

No need for a store-bought version of this fun game. Simply draw ten lines horizontally and vertically to create twenty squares. Then take turns drawing circles in an attempt to get four in a row. Once the bottom


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